Henri Poincaré, The logic of infinity: What a classification must be

Can the ordinary rules of logic be applied without change, as soon as we consider collections taking an infinite number of objects? This is a question we did not ask at first, but we were led to examine when the … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Analysis Situs and intuition

I would like to add a remark which relates only indirectly to the foregoing; we have seen above the importance of the Analysis Situs and I explained that this is the real domain of geometric intuition. Does this intuition exist? … Read More

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The adventures of a red ant: XVII. VITALITY OF ANOMMAS – THE HEN PASSES IN FRONT OF THE NOSE Before the end of the following week, I had eaten python like the others, we had surprised one in a swamp … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and Nature

But the question can be asked from a completely different point of view. We have so far placed ourselves in a purely subjective, purely psychological or, if you will, physiological point of view; we have only considered the relations of … Read More

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The adventures of a red ant: XVI. IN SENEGAL – N’DIEN – THE PYTHON

I remained a few days in the orchard; but, by two or three adventures which nearly happened to me, I judged that the stay in the midst of those big oxen which blindly trampled all this campaign, was unhealthy for … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and movements

It seems, therefore, that space cannot be constructed by considering sets of simultaneous sensations, which must be considered as sequences of sensations. Always go back to what I said before. Why do certain changes appear to us as changes of … Read More

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The adventures of a red ant: XV. THE FAST – THE HARVESTERS

“Enough Brazil! we would leave our skin … Let’s go … !!!“ Such was the resolution I took one fine morning, when the forces returned to me. I still had, I confess, a leg that worked with a little pain … Read More

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Henri Poincaré, Why space with three dimensions – Space and senses

The question seems resolved; we seem to have only to apply this rule, either to the physical continuum, which is the coarse image of space, or to the corresponding mathematical continuum which is its refined image and which is the … Read More

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The adventures of a red ant: XIV. ANTEATER AND PUMA – DOUBLE-SPINE DEATH

We both chatted, enjoying the delightful tranquility of the evening that was being made, and which, in these countries, is short, but delightful after the ardor of the day, when our attention was awakened by a slow, heavy step which … Read More

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