Biopolitics and Geopolitics

Sfetcu, Nicolae (2022). Biopolitics and Geopolitics, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35747.73767, in Telework:   Abstract Biopower refers to the practice of modern nation-states through an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugation of bodies and the control of populations. … Read More

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Ontological argument for the existence of God, exposed by famous philosophers

Spinoza It is in proposition 11 of the first part of the Ethics that Spinoza proposes a proof of the existence of God by the essentialist approach. The statement of this proposition is: “God, that is, a substance consisting of … Read More

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Fine tuning argument for the existence of God: Appearance of heavy elements in the Universe and tuning the fundamental forces of our universe

Appearance of heavy elements in the Universe Heavy elements 98% of visible matter is made up of hydrogen and helium. All the other elements (heavy elements: carbon, iron, oxygen in particular which are the constituents of organic matter and therefore … Read More

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