Common-sense realism (Naïve realism)

The expression naïve realism indicates a set of philosophical conceptions of perception (and by extension a set of realistic metaphysical conceptions), sometimes also called common-sense realism, direct realism , or natural realism , which strongly re-evaluate (in different ways ) the concept of common sense.  (Naïve realism argues we perceive … Read More

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Google: Dataset Search, a new search engine, for journalists and researchers

Google has recently launched a new search engine, using a large system of public government databases, public sources, digital libraries, and personal websites, primarily aimed to help journalists and researchers in their work. The new search engine, with the name … Read More

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Faculty of Medicine of Lille suspends homeopathy diploma

As a result of the controversies over alternative medicine, the medical school through his dean suspended its university diploma of homeopathy for the beginning academic year in expectation of the position of the Haute Autorité de Santé (High Authority of … Read More

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